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My Love Returned After Years Of No Contact.

My Love Returned After Years Of No Contact.

Submitted by: K.A.M


A happy girlfriend, soon to be doctor, a Secret believer, thankful to the Universe for all my blessings.

I finally get to share my love story on this website. Firstly, thank you all for the postings and for giving me hope that the LOA works.

I met the man of my dreams a few years ago. We cared about each other very much however, 3 years ago I felt like he was going away from me with absolutely no evidence. He ended up moving to Singapore for work and promised to keep in touch. I realized we were “over” after I didn’t hear from him for days, weeks, months and then years. Yet, somehow I never became bitter or angry. I always knew deep in my heart that he loved me and I understood that the Universe broke us up for a good reason.

Looking back, I was working on my doctorate degree and would envy my single friends who had more time to dedicate to their work. In hindsight, it was my own deep desire that caused him to drift away. I always believed that the Universe would magically bring him back to my life right before graduation.

He called me recently after 3 years of absolutely no contact. He told me that I was the best thing to happen to him and he has always loved me. He also told me that he thought about me all this time and finally had the courage to reach out to me. He also said the words I wanted to hear for years; I love you!!

We have started off from where we ended but we are much stronger. He is coming to the United States and has asked me to meet up in January. My life has turned into the most magical experience.

I’m sharing this message with everyone because I don’t want you to lose hope. I knew he was going to come back and this is why I rejected all the other marriage proposals and never went out on a date with another man. I knew I had found my beloved.

Thank you, thank you, thank you Universe! I’m the happiest girl in the world!


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