For those who enjoy survival horror, the upcoming movie Depravity presents a novel twist on the break-in thriller category. Directed by Paul Tamasy, a screenwriter recognized for works like The Fighter and Patriots Day, this will be his first venture into horror. The plot revolves around a trio of neighbors who become suspicious of their withdrawn neighbor, believing him to be a serial killer. Curiosity leads them to invade his home, where they unexpectedly discover a collection of stolen art. What starts as an audacious theft soon transforms into a terrifying ordeal as they find themselves entangled in a lethal chase, where one misstep could mean their doom.
Depravity Poster
The film features Victoria Justice as one of the troubled residents, along with co-stars Taylor John Smith, Devon Ross, Alex Roe, Adam Lazarre-White, and famed actor Dermot Mulroney. The trailer exudes tension, teasing a confined atmosphere where danger lurks in every shadow. Justice, usually associated with lighter roles, seems ready to fully embrace the psychological intensity of this horror flick, likely appealing to genre fans.
Notably, Paul Tamasy is transitioning from his success in crafting feel-good sports dramas like Air Bud and true stories like The Finest Hours. Depravity will blend elements of mystery, tension, and fright. While some might label it as merely another direct-to-video offering, the trailer indicates it has more substance and excitement than typical digital releases.
Scheduled for release in selected U.S. theaters and on-demand services on October 11th, 2024, Depravity appears ready to draw in horror enthusiasts searching for a gripping experience. Will it live up to the anticipated excitement? Only time will reveal the answer, but with a compelling cast, plot, and Tamasy’s debut in directing, the film holds promising potential.
Depravity Trailer[/embed>