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What Is Jeffrey Garten’s Source of Income and Current Occupation?

What Is Jeffrey Garten's Source of Income and Current Occupation?

Jeffrey Garten is an incredibly accomplished individual, having earned a PhD from Dartmouth and Johns Hopkins University. He began his career at Lehman Brothers on Wall Street, where he was a managing director specializing in debt restructuring. He then moved to Washington, D.C. to join the State Department’s policy planning staff during the Nixon through Carter presidential administrations, before being appointed as the undersecretary of commerce for international trade. In 1995, Jeffrey became Dean of The Yale School of Management and served as Dean Emeritus from 1995 to 2005. Since then, he has been a professor at the university, teaching a range of MGT courses, and has written six books on global economy and leadership. His wife, Ina Garten, is in awe of his accomplishments, saying “He plays this adorable kind of doofus guy who comes in and goes, ‘Oh this is delicious, what’s in it?’ But in reality he’s extremely smart, and has very interesting ideas on the world and the economy. His career has spanned government, academia, banking, and writing. …I’m still just in awe of him.”


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