
Don’t Give Up Even If All Seems Lost! – My Story

love stories primetweets


I met the love of my life a few years ago at work. We started out as friends. Then he decided to change jobs completely. I was initially devastated at the thought of losing him because even though we were friends, we hadn’t interacted outside of work. At the time I was working on a book and so I asked him if he would be willing to read what I had written. He said yes and proceeded to give me his email and number. I was beyond pleased because I had developed a crush on him but hadn’t worked up the courage to try to reveal those feelings. I honestly expected that he would just politely review my book and give me feedback. But even that small amount of contact was better than nothing.

Fast forward a couple of months. We had been talking back and forth. It was exciting getting to know him but I still decided to keep my hopes down that it would turn into something more. Then he had an accident in which he lost his phone. Obviously, we hadn’t known each other for long enough for him to know my number. As it happened, I texted him just to say hi. He replied explaining what had happened and how he didn’t know who this was. After a short conversation explaining who I was, he ended up inviting me over to hang out. I was elated but tried not to be. I didn’t want to build it up to anything more than hanging out. But as luck would have it, within a week we were unofficially dating.

This lasted about a month before he pushed me away, explaining that he wasn’t interested in dating anyone and that he was afraid of letting me down. I was distraught but a small part of me said that this wasn’t the end of our story. I didn’t question it because it felt calm and right. Plus I have always received signs from God in the form of seeing hawks. Every time that I started to feel down or question if things were going to turn out right, without fail I would look up and see a hawk.

Despite my pain at being rejected, I tried to focus on the fact that my love is truly a great guy. He’s a gentle giant who is loving and compassionate. Unfortunately, based on conversations during our brief time together, he had also been repeatedly hurt or let down by people in his life, be it friends, family, or girlfriends.

My heart ached for him because I felt certain that I was the one for him and he was the one for me. So I patiently loved him from afar. I respected his wishes to not pursue a romantic relationship but I continued to periodically send him loving or funny memes. For the holidays and his birthday, I sent him genuine wishes of joy. It was hard and there were times when I briefly considered giving up but through determination, faith, and some emotional support and encouragement from my wonderful sister, I persevered.

Months pass and what had started in June became May of the following year. One night, he randomly texted me. I tried to keep it light as I responded in kind. I ended up coming over and we talked about things. He hadn’t quite changed his mind about dating me but he was more receptive to the idea it seemed. He was leaving on a month-long trip and would make a decision afterward. A month later and within the first day of his return, we were officially dating! I was thrilled! Finally, things were working out! We were so happy!

Then, almost five months into our relationship, he sat me down out of the blue and said that he didn’t see a future with me. I was shocked. As far as I knew, we were going strong. All seemed well. As he discussed his reasons why I was further confused. What he said made no sense to me. He listed what he perceived as faults that I thought of as strengths. He had a surprisingly negative viewpoint regarding our behavior. I was careful when I responded in kind. I didn’t want to attack but rather work through everything together. He seemed so convinced that I was wrong. Then he surprised me further by offering to continue the conversation the following day. I was numb but I said yes.

In thinking about it, I knew that he was afraid because of his past. His words still didn’t make any sense and it just felt like he was pushing me away again out of fear. I talked with my sister and she was in agreement with me. She offered hopeful advice and suggestions.

The following day was very long. I spent the day going back and forth in my mind trying very hard not to give in to fear. I kept thinking this was not it. God didn’t bring us together just for us to be apart. We felt right together. I had asked for a sign that everything would work out. Inexplicably his favorite band came on the radio. They are an obscure band that I’ve never heard on the radio at work. I took it to heart and tried focusing on gratitude and joy.

When I finally saw him, I tried to keep it light because I didn’t want to give in to fear. Once again we talked. This time, he offered to consider breaking up. He said to give him four days and we would meet up again with the final decision. I agreed to his terms but felt hollow and miserable inside.

The following day was his birthday. It was supposed to be the first birthday of his that we had spent together. I had all of these plans for his birthday. Prior to my leaving him the night before, he had mentioned that he had plans for his birthday with friends, so I didn’t really plan to do anything with him. I wished him a happy birthday and figured he would say thanks and that would be it. It was another day of trying to focus on joy and all that I love about him. Still, once again I heard the same song from his favorite band come on the radio.

Throughout the day I continued to hear encouragement from the Universe in the form of songs. I further decided that, no matter what, everything would work out better than I could have imagined.

Before I left work, my love texted me saying thanks for the birthday wishes, then asked if I would like to come over for dinner. He explained that he had canceled his plans with his friends. I was pleased but decided to make the best of it no matter what. I felt very hopeful but was trying to be cool.

When I got to his place, almost immediately he sat me down and explained that he didn’t want to break up, that he didn’t want anyone else but me in his life! He further confirmed that he had been clouded with insecurities about past relationships but that being with me has been better than he could have asked for! Needless to say, I was and am over the moon with joy and love! My cup runneth over!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to Rhonda Byrne and everyone who made The Secret possible! Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has shared their stories here. I have always found inspiration and joy in them! And, of course, thank you, thank you, thank you, to God and the Universe!

I realized in hindsight that I had manifested our separations due to my own fears and insecurities related to my past. No matter what’s going on, always listen to that little voice saying everything is going to be all right. And don’t be afraid to ask or expect things to be better than imagined. The Secret works!

Submitted by: Rosanna

United States

I am so happy, so grateful, and so blessed!

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