Michael Duignan’s film, The Paragon, showcases creativity triumphing over big budgets by being made in just 13 days for $15,000 in Auckland, New Zealand. The story follows Dutch, played by Benedict Wall, as he seeks the driver who hit him in a hit-and-run accident, leading to a journey unlocking psychic abilities and a cosmic quest for a mysterious crystal known as “The Paragon.”
Despite the low budget, Duignan’s debut feature film has received acclaim for its inventive storytelling, humor, and engaging DIY approach. The film premiered at the 2023 New Zealand Film Festival and has since been featured at other festivals, leading up to its US release on September 6th, 2024, promising a unique cinematic experience for indie and sci-fi enthusiasts.
THE PARAGON | Official Trailer | Available on September 6
Do you want to see the unseen? Dutch (Benedict Wall) may look like just another defeated and washed-up loser, but behind his pissed-off exterior lurks a hyperdimensional being of exceptional promise.