
Dating. – My Story

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So my English language skills still need to improve but now I will share my story with all of you that believe in The Secret and the law of attraction. This just happened a few days ago, so here we go.

I love a foreign girl and I know that she also likes me a lot too because she was introducing me to her friends and her sister. I wanted to ask her if she was willing to travel to my country and live with me by giving her hints. What I first did before this all happened is what I am going to share with you now.

I imagined me and her talking about our future. I visualized how we would talk, where we would sit, and where we would be.

About a month later, we met again and we sat in a chair and talked about our routines. Then she asked me suddenly about when I would be going back to my country. I answered her question and then I asked her if she was willing to live in my country. She responded very positively and she looked so happy because of my question. Then she gave me a hint that she must have another person in order to live together in my country. Everything was so good that day. and you know what? When I went back home, I recognized that what happened this day was what I had imagined in my mind a month ago!!! It even all happened in the very same place I had imagined! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so very much to The Secret. Thank you so very much to the Universe.

I will continue to focus on what I want using the law of attraction and The Secret.

Submitted by: a happy person


Love the one you love.

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