
It Belongs To Me! – My Story

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Hello friends,

I am so greatful to all and everyone in The Secret family, the Universe, and my love.

So I read The Secret book during the Covid lockdown and attracted many small and big, magical things. So I run a shop with a partner but my partner was not loyal to me on matters related to money and profit sharing. So I asked the Universe to help me out. I affirmed at least 2 to 3 times a day that the shop belongs to me, I have never cheated on him about money, and that the shop will definetly come to me. I showed my gratitude for that and I felt like it was already done.

For 30 days nothing happened and then, somewhere around the 33rd or 34th day, all matters were resolved in the most peaceful manner! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thank you so much to the Universe! Thank you, friends, for motivating me. Now I am attracting my love and my abundant life. Soon I will post my success story related to them. Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you to the entire family of The Secret. I am really enjoying my life to the fullest!

Submitted by: Ratul


I am a blessed child of the Universe.

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