
Words And Actions Have Power! – My Story

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First of all, thank you, Rhonda, thank you to all The Secret teachers, and thank you to all of you beautiful souls, who have written stories for this site. I hope the following story brings someone the courage to keep going through the darkness.

I discovered the law of attraction in 2007 when having relationship difficulties, and it completely transformed my life. That is not an exaggeration. It transformed my relationship with my then partner. It also brought me magnificent things like a great job, great friends, my dream apartment, trips abroad, a puppy, and countless other miracles. I cannot thank the Universe enough for all those things.

Over the years, through the ups and downs of life, I gradually stopped applying the law of attraction. It was not that I did not believe in it, I very much did in my heart. I just was not consciously aware of it in my day to day life. It never stops working though, even if we stop thinking about it. Not surprisingly, the recent developments that were happening in my life showed this in the glaring spotlight.

I had been with a wonderful, beautiful, smart, funny, and kind hearted woman for almost 4 years and we had been engaged for 2 years. Some events happened in my life that started to sour my opinion of our relationship, and her opinion soon joined mine in its sourness. I hated my job and I talked all the time about how stressful it was. One day, I fell at work and fractured my spine, and severely injured my lower back. Then I got Covid. Then my mom got Covid and got so severely ill that she almost died. It took her a year to fully recover. I had also started a business during all of this so that I could try to eventually leave my job. My partner was upset with me about all the other things that were wrong between us, but basically, it was really my attitude towards her. She clung to me, and I pushed her away and said I did not have time for her with all of the other struggles I was experiencing. I was also struggling to get my business off the ground and I was blaming her for taking up so much of my time. We both became increasingly resentful of each other over time. Then my job decided to do layoffs, and I found out I would be losing my job. With more pressure than ever to get my business off the ground so that I would have an income, I threw every emotional resource at my business, which actually did not even help the business. Strangely, it made things even worse with my suppliers and such.

My girl kept saying she felt abandoned by me. At the time, I denied this but now I see that she was right. I had abandoned her for other pursuits. I had made this beautiful woman, my fiance, my best friend, feel completely unimportant and forgotten. On April 29th, 2022 she left me.

She has texted me multiple times since then, even in June saying she wanted to get back together. But in my negativity, I repeatedly pushed her away. I felt helpless to change the situation, and like the only impact I could possibly have on the situation was always negative, always making things worse, because I kept pushing her away.

Then, a week ago, I was walking my dog on a trail along Lake Michigan and found myself crying out loud, that I feel like all I ever do is mess things up worse. Like I had no power other than to push her further and further away, along with all the other good things in life like my health, my job, and my business which had all recently evaporated.

Then something startled me. Remembering the LOA, I realized that my words and attitude had caused all of this. I was NOT a victim of circumstances. I was the author.

Upon realizing this, I immediately rewrote my mental and verbal script. I walked along the remainder of the trail, saying, “I have the power to better this situation. I have the power to heal this relationship!” Over and over and over I said this. I also began looking for things to be grateful for and saying “Thank you” for various blessings in my life.

A few hours later, much to my astonishment, my ex texted me. Not just any text, but texted me to say she wishes we could talk more. That was on a Sunday. She also texted me on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The funny thing is, I was feeling really down about the whole thing again on Wednesday, and I came on here to read The Secret stories about healed relationships, and she texted me to say good morning, while I was reading them!!! I also started reading The Magic and doing the exercises, which continues to help my attitude and perspective.

Then yesterday I was feeling down again. After several days of contact, I hadn’t heard from her at all on Thursday, and began to doubt. So I came back and started reading more stories on here. Then afterward, I put on a video by Bob Proctor about “acting as if” you have already received it even when there is no sign of it, in order to actually receive it. I decided to go way out on a limb, and act as if we were back together, and as if we are moving in together. So I did something crazy and started packing up some of my stuff, things I don’t use daily but still want to keep. I started packing little by little, as if I was moving back in with her. Crazy? Maybe. But, as I was packing and listening to Bob Proctor, she texted me again! After completely disappearing for a couple of days.

Crazy? Absolutely. But it works! So, if I have to do things that make no logical sense in order to see results, so be it. From now on, I am making conscious choices as to the words I use and the actions I take, knowing that the Universe is always listening. Because, wow! This is powerful stuff, and I cannot believe I let myself forget it for so many years.

I will be back soon with more wonderful stories. All this is after only a week of practicing the law of attraction and The Secret again! I am literally smiling as I write this! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Submitted by: AL


I discovered the joy of the LOA, forgot it for a few years, then rediscovered it again!

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