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The new moon in Gemini is here to tell you that summer is not canceled

This week the cosmic page turns again, heralding in a time of transition, as the sun wraps up her journey in Taurus before moving onto the mutable air sign of Gemini, the last sign of the spring season, on Wednesday, May 20. And then the new moon in Gemini aims to highlight our dreams and what we need to do to bring them to life.

Bridging the angry start of the season of growth (with the sun in Aries) with the full roar of summer (with the sun in Cancer), Gemini asks us to breathe in the fresh air, and embrace our mercurial nature, as we connect with new ideas, people, and opportunities for growth in pursuit of our rebirth. At its core, the season of Gemini is about the cross-pollination of ideas. This is what happens when we socialize and network together. We intermingle, fusing thoughts and ideas while synthesizing new understandings of ourselves, each other, and the world we inhabit.

As we approach Gemini season this year, make sure to hold space for magic to occur—yes, even amid a global pandemic.

As we approach Gemini season this year, make sure to hold space for magic to occur—yes, even amid a global pandemic. This isn’t a typical Gemini season complete with proms, graduations, big weddings, or baseball games; and travel, parties, and general business as usual remains on pause or is slowly and cautiously emerging. But even with our instincts to connect and travel right now being largely repressed, we can still partake in the season of communion with ideas and digital socialization and togetherness.

In other words, summer is not canceled. After all, the north node of fate, Mercury, and Venus (who is now retrograde) are all in Gemini, too. So, stay open to transition, surprise connections, and new ideas emerging.

Reflect on your Taurus season learnings at the start of the week

But first, we have to wrap up Taurus season, which goes out with a bang. On Sunday, May 17, the sun in Taurus makes a positive angle to Jupiter (now retrograde) in Capricorn, known as a trine. Jupiter, trining the sun, solidifies what’s working and helps animate a higher potential. So, please pay attention to the good, and appreciate it as the week begins.

On Monday and Tuesday, the waning crescent moon moves through Aries, igniting a sense of bravery. To use this to your advantage, review what happened since the sun moved into Taurus on April 19. What have you learned? What wisdom are you integrating? What are you compelled to take action on now? (Yes, even with four planets retrograde, you can take action!)

On Wednesday, as the sun moves signs, Venus squares Neptune. Venus in a square to Neptune asks you to look at and get in touch with your guiding dream. To get more clarity on your dream, ask yourself these four questions, and then, even deeper ones.

  1. What do you want?
  2. Why do you want it?
  3. Truthfully, is what you are chasing something you truly want?
  4. Are you living the life you truly wish to live?

The universe is commanding us to ask deep questions. In fact, that is what this whole year is about. Are we living the life we most want? Or are we making the most out of conditions we have settled for? Only you know the answer, but you can use these astrological transits to your advantage and spend some time contemplating your happiness.

The new moon in Gemini wants you to focus on your desires

To pack a more potent punch and amplify that inquiry, come Friday, we’ll have a new moon in Gemini. Happening at 1:36 p.m., EST, the new moon in Gemini occurs at 2 degrees in the sign of the twins. This new moon in Gemini commences the season of Gemini in full earnest. Providing a blank slate on what you will call in this lunar cycle, this new moon allows you to initiate new beginnings as they relate to all things Gemini.

This new moon in Gemini allows you to initiate new beginnings, as they relate to all things Gemini.

Since the new moon happens in a trine to Saturn, you want to give it your full attention: Consider what it is you most desire, and apply yourself, entirely, to the manifestation of that desire. At that time, Mercury will conjoin Venus, while still in a square to Neptune, asking you to go even more deeply into that inquiry and consider what it is you truly desire.

To that point, be sure to carve out some sacred time for yourself on Friday and over the upcoming weekend to get clear on what you wish to conjure, create, and manifest—and don’t overlook the obvious. Lean into the intensity of your needs. The more urgent your desires feel, the more powerful they become on your quest to create. Now is not the time to play it safe. Instead, go full out. Claim, unabashedly, what you most need. Write out your intentions. Say them out loud, preferably in front of the mirror. Do what you know to call in your desires.

This could look like holding a ritual for yourself, hiring a coach, and working on your mind-set. It might even mean eliminating obligations that no longer feel aligned. No matter what you do, pinpoint your desires and then commit to taking the actions you know you must to bring your dreams to life.

jennifer racioppi headshot

Jennifer Racioppi is the creator of Lunar Logic—a philosophy that integrates the deep wisdom of both science and spirituality, and blends her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women’s health—to coach high-achieving female entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success. 

Written by: WellGood


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